Private Blog networks have been a topic of debate since a long time. These are not exactly white hat natural ways for link building, however in my opinion, it is perfectly fine to start a private blog network until you confirm you are completely safe and untraceable.
There have been manual penalties reported to these blog network owners, as a result many webmasters fear penalties, however after lots of researches and studying plenty of case studies, I am writing this article to discuss the perfect and safe way to build a private blog network for SEO.
Private Blog networks are extremely difficult to build and needs a lot of man-hours for the project. However if done properly, these could be one of the best investment you have ever adapted to improve your rankings. PBNs are risk, if some one tells you that PBNs are 100% safe, then they must be lying. However, these are risks worth the rewards. You could always lower down the risks with these precautions.
How Search Engines like Google track down PBN ?
Mostly the PBN owners have complained that they have received manual penalties from Google. So possibly, Google or search engines try to find out the common patterns that are used to establish a private blog network. Once the website are tracked, they would take a manual review on these networks and if found guilty, the websites are penalized. So our effort will be lower down the risk as we try not to get traced.
These could be the steps on how we could lower the risks of getting tracked.
1. Webmaster / Analytics Accounts
You must be careful on using webmaster and analytics accounts. If you have a blog network and every blog is registered under same Google webmaster of analytics accounts, Google would easily trace you down. So better not to add any kind of tracking code to your blogs in PBN until and unless you need them. If you decide to install them, use different account for different blogs.
2. Hosting/ Ip Address
You must be careful on hosting your blogs. If you end up hosting all you blogs in same IP address, Google will definitely bust you out. Just imagine all the links to your niche blog from your blog networks points from a same IP address, that would certainly be suspicious and eventually you could face penalty.
So you should either use different web hosting for all your blog or you could use hosting like where you share your hosting with different unique IP addresses,each or your blog in the network. For as low as 9$/month, you could get different shared IP address for different blog. By paying little more, you could get dedicated IP address for each of your blog which would be more safe.
3. Quality Domain names and Whois record
To get the most out of your domain, you should be able to grab a quality domain with good backlinks. The domains must not have been previously penalized by Google because those domain may not be of good use.
Additionally you should make sure that the domains you purchased for making these blog networks have private whois or different whois records. Links coming from different domain but with similar whois record means they are suspicious and you could be easily traced. So you should either purchase domain privacy or use separate whois information for different domains in the blog network.
4. Quality Contents
With the release of algorithm updates like Penguin and Panda, Google has considered quality contents as ranking signals. So be sure you have minimum 5-10 quality article posts in every blog in your network and they are all unique.
Many webmasters have complained their PBNs being de-indexed from Google and reported some manual penalties that referred ‘thin content issues’. So make sure you do not use any kind of article spinning service, rather you build your contents manually or outsource them to get quality contents. This may be time consuming and will require a lots of effort but the results will pay all your hard works.
Linking from the Private Blog Networks
I have been discussing the proper way of link building every now and then. No matter what, you must make your links look natural to the search engines if you consider not facing penalties. You could follow my backlinking guide even when you are building links from your private blog networks.
Are PBNs dead ? No, but you need to be very careful on building these blog networks. These are cost consuming, they consume a lot of time, so you must be careful or you would lost both your valuable time and money. However if you do it in the right way, you will be overwhelmed with the result.
Do you think PBN are worth ? Have you got a PBN yourself ? Share your experience in the comment below.
niceeee post.. thanks!!
I bought a expired domain quite relevant to making a pier 1 to my money site , but did not want to buy another server to mount this pier1 …
so, I’m thinking of using expired domain on a website 2.0 kind or blogger ….
You think this can really decrease the relevance of this site ( pier1 ) ?
shoot yourself in the foot?
This could be good way to save some budgets, however if you host every domain on web 2.0, that may be suspicious. So you would better invest even its little.
Very good article thanks for the heads up on PBN’s
Well, The PBN (Private Blog Network) has always been one of the best way to rank well in Search Engine, but after the recent assault by Google to many of big PBN’s, Some cautions needed to be taken, while building Private Blog Networks, And I always consider using Different Analytic and Search Console Accounts + High PR domains with Good Domain Authority + Quality Content + Unique Hosting IP address + Linking to other High Quality sites from PBN Blogs. In my thinking this is the best way to build a Private Blog network which works.
I may be wrong, What You say?
Hi Dipendra,
Firstly great guide, you always sound like you know what you’re talking about and its great you’re educating others in the dark arts
PBN’s are a great way to rank fast. I know SEO is shifting towards content marketing but meh, you can reach out to hundreds of people and get nothing even with amazing content. During that time you could of put a small PBN up! But as a long term strategy there’s so many risks….
I think you/readers will be interested in something I’ve created. I’ve written a tool (like 100% totally free) to find hidden PBN links. You know how people block them with htaccess and robots.txt well this gets around that.
It works on the basis that if your competitors have a PBN ranking their money website for “cheap ipads in france” then it stands to reason their PBN page linking to their money website will contain the term “cheap ipads in france” somewhere on it. It might be anchor text, meta tags or content body. So it will rank for the search term “cheap ipads in france”. It might be the 100th page, it might be the 1000th page, but it should be there somewhere. Especially with the search engines set to show all results. PBN Hunter takes all the terms they’re ranking for and crawls every page Bing, Google and Yahoo bring back for that search term, checking for any links to the money website.
Check it out there’s a link on my homepage, its called PBN Hunter. Enjoy!
Thanks for this…extremely helpful.
Very informative!