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Download Amazon Kindle APK

download amazon kindle apk free
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For those who love reading, Amazon Kindle is none less than a blessing which provide the readers with all kinds of e-books, magazines and news just on the distance of a tap or a click.

What is Amazon Kindle?

Amazon Kindle is an app developed and powered by Amazon.com, released on 19th November 2007, where you can have all the e-books of your choice, magazines, news and all the digital media with the help of a wireless connection available on the all the major smart phones, macs and iPads.

A book once bought on your account in kindle, can be read anywhere and everywhere, on any device on which the kindle app is installed just by logging in to your account and the rest is all plain and simply.

what is amazon kindle

How to get and use Amazon Kindle:

For iPhone and iPads you will have to download the app from the Amazon.com and then by logging in to your account you can read the downloaded books and it is available on any web browser you have on your device.

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To use kindle on PC and MAC version 1.11 of the Amazon Kindle is no longer available and you will have to download the latest version for to continue enjoy the services. In case the operating system you are using is not compatible with the current version of the Kindle, you can continue reading your books using Kindle Cloud Reader.

Prices of amazon kindles:

Amazon Kindle is available for different prices at different places all over the world. Original kindle is available in United States for just $399. Rest of the Kindles such as Kindle 2, Kindle DX, Kindle keyboard, Kindle 4 and Kindle 5 are available for $359, $489, $139, $79 and $69 respectively.

Though people might find it very expensive but those who love reading just pay for it once and they go on with all of their favorite books and acquire all the knowledge they want to have.

Features that makes Amazon kindle your 1st priority in E-Books:

Here are few things that you should know, that make people love Amazon Kindle and is always there 1st priority in E-Books.

  1. You can automatically save all your bookmarks, notes highlights on all of your devices which means that you can read ahead from the place on another device, where you left reading on another device, Amazing! Isn’t it? And of course that became possible with the Amazon’s Whisper Sync technology which enables you to automatically save and sync your furthest read page.
  2. Before you decide to go for a book on Amazon, you can read its 1st chapter for free so that you can easily decide whether to buy that book or not and this is how you can choose the best books without wasting your money.
  3. There are 1000 of free books available on amazon, so that if you can’t afford to buy but you love reading, then you can read for free too and there are also many classics available in the free section including The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and many more.
  4. Books once bought store in your library and can now be accessed anywhere using Amazon Kindle installed on any device.
  5. If you didn’t understand a word while reading, just tap and hold that word and Amazon dictionary will provide you with the meaning within a second.

And there are number of many other reasons that makes Amazon Kindle the #1 e-book app so don’t waste your time with useless apps and if you are a real reader that go for Amazon Kindle and make your money worth spending.

Download amazon Kindle apk free:

Download from play store here.

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