How to Kik

How to fix Kik Bugs?

fix kik bugs
Written by staff

Being a texting lover, you might know about Kik. It is an instant messaging app available for Android, IOS and other operating systems. Just like common apps there is a possibility of bugs occurring in the software. One of the very common Kik bugs is that the app gets stuck on 3g/4g data mode and runs on Wi-Fi. This way people are unable to receive their messages if not on Wi-Fi. Let me show you how you can easily fix this Kik bugs.

fix kik bugs

Kik stuck in Data mode (FIX):

There is a tweak named Un-restrictor that you can install on your jail broken iPhone. Its main principle is to restrict apps that you don’t want to run on your data connection. So when you install it, all the apps get added there, so does Kik. And this is why you face this Kik bug. Follow these steps to solve this bug on your jail broken iPhone.

  1. Go to the Un-restrictor tweak from your iPhone app menu.
  2. Once in the app there will be a long list of apps.
  3. Make sure that your Wi-Fi is turned off.
  4. In the menu where all your apps are present, find Kik messenger app.
  5. Click on the ‘Edit’ at top left corner.
  6. Click on the add button by clicking its icon which look like a plus sign ‘+’.
  7. Select ‘Kik’. After selecting Kik, tap on the done button.

Now open your 3g/4g data connection and then open Kik installed on your phone. This should fix this Kik bug for you. You won’t no longer see loading or connecting being stuck.

Patch Kik to version 1.1:

Recently developers have updated Kik to version 1.1. This version seems to fix most of the Kik bugs present. So download this latest Kik patch 1.1 and this might also solve the problems for your Kik.

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